Saturday, August 23, 2008

Trying to Stay Postivie

I try to stay positive. Honestly, I do. It's getting hard. Dale went in for his heart catheterization on Friday. What we thought would happen, happened... He needs his aortic valve replaced. No huge surprise there. What we weren't expecting was for it to happen THIS THURSDAY!!! I thought a month from now, not now, for the love of Pete!! But, this is when it is happening. So, we are dealing with it. The timing of course couldn't be crummier.

Mikayla is suppossed to make her grand entrance on Tuesday. The doctors aren't sure if this is a definet or not. We have to wait for another amniocentesis on Monday to check her surfactant level to make sure her little lungs are ready for this at all. This is still a scary situation that is still as clear as Mississippi mud.

Whatever prayers that can be spared this week are greatly appreciated. We have a tough week ahead of us and we're hanging on by our fingernails trying to get everything ironed out. Prayers and M&M's are greatly appreciated right now!! My little bright spot is that 1.) I'll be an aunt to a niece sometime very soon. Jen and I had lots of fun looking at all of the pink stuff at Target tonight. I want to buy lots of Ladybug stuff for her. Somehow it just fits her so well already. And 2.) I go on vacation next weekend!! Praise the Lord! There should be lots of pictures coming soon...

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