Monday, August 11, 2008

Gosh! Didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted anything. Not a whole lot is going on...

Mikayla is doing better. While we won't know the extent of her disabilities until long after she's born, she should be okay during bith. Josiah is excited to have another sibling. He told me the other day that he is going to protect her from the spiders. He's a great big brother!

Dale is getting used to the whole dialysis thing. He's learning periotneal daialysis and we're preparing psychologically for a possible open heart surgery. So, we'll see. Many prayers are still appreciated for a long time to come.

Summer events this year included Selena's wedding in June. A few trips to the beach with Jordan. He loved it! We ran up and down the beach crowing at the birds. Then, he'd tentatively wade out into the surf and clap as the wave washed over him. He completely zonked out as soon as we got into the car!

Michael is playing football. He's decided that I'm good to practice with, since I am an unsuspecting victim. He went to the doctor and they meaured him-- he's 5'10" and just strong enough to pick me up! He's decided he's quite the man with the retro Lennon haircut. Jen got a job at Old Navy a few weeks ago. I'm excited for her. Now, my wardrobe will no longer suffer!!

We've been watching the Olympics at work this week. It's cool to be able to watch it live from Beijing. I've had this strange fascination with China since I was a kid. I've always wanted to visit and I just can't seem to get enough of it! Michael Phelps is the golden boy, becoming the most winningest American swimmer of all time. It was humbling and touching to watch him weep as he won his 3rd gold medal in these games and his 10th total.

I've got to get back to work! Hopefully I 'll do better at posting. I'll try to get some pictures up soon, too. I've promised Lindsay I'd post some recipes, so be looking out for 'em!

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