A little something I got in my inbox the other Day...
Hi Elizabeth, Congratulations! It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to the Registered Nurse (RN) to Masters Program in the College of Nursing at the University of South Florida for the spring 2009 semester. You will be receiving a written confirmation by mail shortly regarding your acceptance as well as information on orientation and registration. Thank you. Joli Beaney, Academic Specialist
So..I'm startin grad school in just a few months!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
'Tis So Sweet
Mikayla came home today!!! After a rough day yesterday and getting our hopes dashed (rather cruelly!), last night, mom and Drea brought home the little lady bug. She is doing great. She opened her eyes for us, she ate well and even got a little annoyed with her brothers. I'm trying my best to get her pictures posted. I just ache to hold her again...
I went to Target to buy some stuff for "Layla" as Jordan calls her. While I was there I saw the display of fall candles. Of course I jumped on that bandwagon. I adore fall!! I'm (still) looking for the perfect recipe for Wednesday. Something fall-y and girl-y. Anyone have any ideas? A lady at work tonight told me about tomatoe pie. I may try that and something else. I'll let ya know how it goes.
The Story is in full force. We started the small group on Thursday night with Jen,another girl, and 2 guys. It was kind of awkward at times, but I think that as we assimilate to each other, it will get better. So, if you know anybody who needs to get connected with a group, let me know.
I'm at work the next 4 nights, so I may be slightly MIA. Here's to hoping a cold front will blown through. Keep dreamin', huh?
I went to Target to buy some stuff for "Layla" as Jordan calls her. While I was there I saw the display of fall candles. Of course I jumped on that bandwagon. I adore fall!! I'm (still) looking for the perfect recipe for Wednesday. Something fall-y and girl-y. Anyone have any ideas? A lady at work tonight told me about tomatoe pie. I may try that and something else. I'll let ya know how it goes.
The Story is in full force. We started the small group on Thursday night with Jen,another girl, and 2 guys. It was kind of awkward at times, but I think that as we assimilate to each other, it will get better. So, if you know anybody who needs to get connected with a group, let me know.
I'm at work the next 4 nights, so I may be slightly MIA. Here's to hoping a cold front will blown through. Keep dreamin', huh?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cleaning House
Is what I should be doing. Instead I'm hanging out online. I'm not the best housekeeper and things tend to pile up on me, and then turn into a much bigger deal than they originally were and then they sometimes get left ever more. It's a vicious circle. But it has to be done today or tomorrow, because it's my turn to have small group at my house next week. Plus, it's (almost) fall. My apartment is stuck in spring/summer mode. Time to go buy the new candle and put out all things leaves. Yeah! It also means I can make pumpkin bread again. Double Yeah!!! Mikayla may come home as early as tomorrow. Jen and I spending the day cleaning the cradle and then we're off to Target to buy bedding. They have the cutest ladybug set ever!! And Mikayla definetly looks like a ladybuy. In a good way.
Tonight is the start of a new small group. The Springs is having a semester long on-campus Bible Study called The Story. I don't if I volunteered to do this or if Joe asked me (it's a blur now), but I'm leading a mixed 20's small group. This is so completely out of my comfort zone it's not even funny! I'll need lots of prayer for this one...
Anyone have any ideas of what I can make for next Wednesday's girls night? I'm completly at a loss? I've been trying to post a picture (via copy and paste from Barnes and Noble.com) of a book that I read recently, but I can't get it to work. Any advice on how to make it work??
Tonight is the start of a new small group. The Springs is having a semester long on-campus Bible Study called The Story. I don't if I volunteered to do this or if Joe asked me (it's a blur now), but I'm leading a mixed 20's small group. This is so completely out of my comfort zone it's not even funny! I'll need lots of prayer for this one...
Anyone have any ideas of what I can make for next Wednesday's girls night? I'm completly at a loss? I've been trying to post a picture (via copy and paste from Barnes and Noble.com) of a book that I read recently, but I can't get it to work. Any advice on how to make it work??
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Last Two Weeks
have been absolutely insane!! Hopefully, I will be able to post all of the pics before too much longer to give you a visual to go with the written play by play.
Tuesday, August 26th Drea was admitted to the hospital to be induced. Knowing that she was going from 0-60,we figured it would be a long day so went up to see her in the evening. When we left, we told them to call if anything happened. Well, I woke up at 7:00 the next morning (mark it on your calendars--that never happens voluntarily!!) and couldn't go back to sleep. So, by 8:00 I was up and on the road to Gainesville. As I was pulling off of I-75 and onto Archer Road headed Shands, my phone started ringing. It was Dale saying that somehting had happened overnight, and that Mikayla was in the NICU, which we expected. But, that Drea was in the ICU as well. I hauled butt on down to Shands to find out what the devil had happened. What had happened was that at 4:00 in the morning, they had taken Drea back to the OR as planned for her to deliver. She was completely dilated or effaced, but they had her push anyways with the doctors in the room. She pushed for a very short amount of time when there started to be alot of blood. Her placenta had separted from the uterus. They had to do an emergenct c-section with general anestesia to get Mikayla out quickly and to minimize the blood loss of which there had arleady been quite a bit of. Mikayla was born on August 27,2008 at approximately 4:30 in the morning. She weighed in at 5lbs 6ozs and 19 inches long. In the end, Mikayla spent 3 days in NICU 3 and 4 days in NICU 2. She is now in a regular Pediatric room (which cracks me up. A premature infant in the pedi floor!!) receoving IV treatments for the CMV. She is growing and doing well. We hope to have her down to MRMC before too long for the treatments so we can see her more often. I'll spend my lunch breaks there!! We're still not sure how she will fare in the long term. The pediatrician at Shands is optimistic, but can't make any promises.
The same day that Mikayla was born, Dale was admitted to the heart and vasculare unit here at MRMC. He had his aortic valve replaced on Thursday, August 28. He spent one night in the ICU and then transferred upstairs. We spent another week upstairs trying to get everything back the way it belongs. He was sent home on Friday afternoon after 10 days in the hospital.
I was suppossed to start my vacation in the middle of all of this Saturday before Labor Day. So didn't happen. I finally made it to Daytona on Tuesday night at about 10:00. Joy was scared I wouldn't make it at all. When I did, it was totally worth 4 days of nothingness. The 4 of us took walks on the beach, spent hours at the pool, and just hung out. Friday Hanna decided to put a damper on the outdoor activities with her rather unwelcomed rain. But never fear, three girls can always have a little bit of retail fun in any city, in any weather. Big find of the day... a Vera Bag for $30 and a Rachael Ray Furi knife for $20!! We spent the evening with the Fish family in Ponce Inlet. It was great to finally meet Jaime and Caleb (our very own Micheline Baby). It's so odd to think of our selves as this old sometimes. Saturday we headed back home.
This week the Springs is starting a church wide Bible study called The Story. It is a chronilogical telling of the Bible. I started reading it today. Very interesting. Joe LaCognata e-mailed on Friday and asked if I would be available/interested in leading an on-campus small group for the study. I said sure, as long my work schedule would allow it. Please pray for this! I've never done this before and am already anxious about. I'm not even sure it will work out yet! There are 6 girls and 2 guys in their early 20's (read: all younger than me!!). I've never done anything like this before, but I'm sure it will be good for me. At least that's what my mother keeps telling me...
Sorry this has taken so long! I haven't always had internet access over the last few weeks and definetly haven't had the time to type it all out. And, alas, I am back at work. Saving up my time off for next fall to go back to Brazil for a week. Hopefully I can find an excuse to pack my bags long before next August.
Tuesday, August 26th Drea was admitted to the hospital to be induced. Knowing that she was going from 0-60,we figured it would be a long day so went up to see her in the evening. When we left, we told them to call if anything happened. Well, I woke up at 7:00 the next morning (mark it on your calendars--that never happens voluntarily!!) and couldn't go back to sleep. So, by 8:00 I was up and on the road to Gainesville. As I was pulling off of I-75 and onto Archer Road headed Shands, my phone started ringing. It was Dale saying that somehting had happened overnight, and that Mikayla was in the NICU, which we expected. But, that Drea was in the ICU as well. I hauled butt on down to Shands to find out what the devil had happened. What had happened was that at 4:00 in the morning, they had taken Drea back to the OR as planned for her to deliver. She was completely dilated or effaced, but they had her push anyways with the doctors in the room. She pushed for a very short amount of time when there started to be alot of blood. Her placenta had separted from the uterus. They had to do an emergenct c-section with general anestesia to get Mikayla out quickly and to minimize the blood loss of which there had arleady been quite a bit of. Mikayla was born on August 27,2008 at approximately 4:30 in the morning. She weighed in at 5lbs 6ozs and 19 inches long. In the end, Mikayla spent 3 days in NICU 3 and 4 days in NICU 2. She is now in a regular Pediatric room (which cracks me up. A premature infant in the pedi floor!!) receoving IV treatments for the CMV. She is growing and doing well. We hope to have her down to MRMC before too long for the treatments so we can see her more often. I'll spend my lunch breaks there!! We're still not sure how she will fare in the long term. The pediatrician at Shands is optimistic, but can't make any promises.
The same day that Mikayla was born, Dale was admitted to the heart and vasculare unit here at MRMC. He had his aortic valve replaced on Thursday, August 28. He spent one night in the ICU and then transferred upstairs. We spent another week upstairs trying to get everything back the way it belongs. He was sent home on Friday afternoon after 10 days in the hospital.
I was suppossed to start my vacation in the middle of all of this Saturday before Labor Day. So didn't happen. I finally made it to Daytona on Tuesday night at about 10:00. Joy was scared I wouldn't make it at all. When I did, it was totally worth 4 days of nothingness. The 4 of us took walks on the beach, spent hours at the pool, and just hung out. Friday Hanna decided to put a damper on the outdoor activities with her rather unwelcomed rain. But never fear, three girls can always have a little bit of retail fun in any city, in any weather. Big find of the day... a Vera Bag for $30 and a Rachael Ray Furi knife for $20!! We spent the evening with the Fish family in Ponce Inlet. It was great to finally meet Jaime and Caleb (our very own Micheline Baby). It's so odd to think of our selves as this old sometimes. Saturday we headed back home.
This week the Springs is starting a church wide Bible study called The Story. It is a chronilogical telling of the Bible. I started reading it today. Very interesting. Joe LaCognata e-mailed on Friday and asked if I would be available/interested in leading an on-campus small group for the study. I said sure, as long my work schedule would allow it. Please pray for this! I've never done this before and am already anxious about. I'm not even sure it will work out yet! There are 6 girls and 2 guys in their early 20's (read: all younger than me!!). I've never done anything like this before, but I'm sure it will be good for me. At least that's what my mother keeps telling me...
Sorry this has taken so long! I haven't always had internet access over the last few weeks and definetly haven't had the time to type it all out. And, alas, I am back at work. Saving up my time off for next fall to go back to Brazil for a week. Hopefully I can find an excuse to pack my bags long before next August.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Just a quick update...
Everyone's doing fine. Mikayla made her appearance on August 24,2008 at approximately 4:30AM via emergency c-section (the whole story will come later...). Dale had his surgery on Thursday (the day after Mikayla was born). He's still in the hospital, but should be home shortly. He had a rough start, but is doing better now. Josiah started "big boy" school today. I called him today to see how it went and he said "Wanna talk to Mommy". Code for " I'm not interested in talking to you right now, and would much rather be talking".
The most important tidbit--I'm on vacation!! Yeah!!!!!! I'm so excited. I've already had one amaretto sour and have promises from Brian to make me a margarita tomorrow or Thursday. So, I will update everything and everyone in further detail later. After I finish soaking up the sun. And Hannah... Gosh, these hurricanes need to go away...
Everyone's doing fine. Mikayla made her appearance on August 24,2008 at approximately 4:30AM via emergency c-section (the whole story will come later...). Dale had his surgery on Thursday (the day after Mikayla was born). He's still in the hospital, but should be home shortly. He had a rough start, but is doing better now. Josiah started "big boy" school today. I called him today to see how it went and he said "Wanna talk to Mommy". Code for " I'm not interested in talking to you right now, and would much rather be talking".
The most important tidbit--I'm on vacation!! Yeah!!!!!! I'm so excited. I've already had one amaretto sour and have promises from Brian to make me a margarita tomorrow or Thursday. So, I will update everything and everyone in further detail later. After I finish soaking up the sun. And Hannah... Gosh, these hurricanes need to go away...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
An Update
Just a few quick updates...
1.) I am up before 8:00 in the morning, and I didn't work last night!!! It's a miracle
2.) No Mikayla. As of about 30 minutes ago. If nothing by 10:00 then Drea will have a c-section.
3.) Dale heads in at 10:00 for pre-op labs, appointments for tomorrow.
4.) Michael has his first high school football game on Friday night. He's playing on the Freshman team for now as a 1st string center. (plaese don't ask me to explain. I'm learning all of this myself!!)
5.) I have to go buy lots of girly stuff, some boy stuff, some "we don't know yet stuff" for the 3 babies that are about to come into my life, and turquoise and blue shirts. Anyone up for a shopping trip?
I'm heading up to gainesvill for someone's big debut...Hopefully we'll have some pictures before too long...
1.) I am up before 8:00 in the morning, and I didn't work last night!!! It's a miracle
2.) No Mikayla. As of about 30 minutes ago. If nothing by 10:00 then Drea will have a c-section.
3.) Dale heads in at 10:00 for pre-op labs, appointments for tomorrow.
4.) Michael has his first high school football game on Friday night. He's playing on the Freshman team for now as a 1st string center. (plaese don't ask me to explain. I'm learning all of this myself!!)
5.) I have to go buy lots of girly stuff, some boy stuff, some "we don't know yet stuff" for the 3 babies that are about to come into my life, and turquoise and blue shirts. Anyone up for a shopping trip?
I'm heading up to gainesvill for someone's big debut...Hopefully we'll have some pictures before too long...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Trying to Stay Postivie
I try to stay positive. Honestly, I do. It's getting hard. Dale went in for his heart catheterization on Friday. What we thought would happen, happened... He needs his aortic valve replaced. No huge surprise there. What we weren't expecting was for it to happen THIS THURSDAY!!! I thought a month from now, not now, for the love of Pete!! But, this is when it is happening. So, we are dealing with it. The timing of course couldn't be crummier.
Mikayla is suppossed to make her grand entrance on Tuesday. The doctors aren't sure if this is a definet or not. We have to wait for another amniocentesis on Monday to check her surfactant level to make sure her little lungs are ready for this at all. This is still a scary situation that is still as clear as Mississippi mud.
Whatever prayers that can be spared this week are greatly appreciated. We have a tough week ahead of us and we're hanging on by our fingernails trying to get everything ironed out. Prayers and M&M's are greatly appreciated right now!! My little bright spot is that 1.) I'll be an aunt to a niece sometime very soon. Jen and I had lots of fun looking at all of the pink stuff at Target tonight. I want to buy lots of Ladybug stuff for her. Somehow it just fits her so well already. And 2.) I go on vacation next weekend!! Praise the Lord! There should be lots of pictures coming soon...
Mikayla is suppossed to make her grand entrance on Tuesday. The doctors aren't sure if this is a definet or not. We have to wait for another amniocentesis on Monday to check her surfactant level to make sure her little lungs are ready for this at all. This is still a scary situation that is still as clear as Mississippi mud.
Whatever prayers that can be spared this week are greatly appreciated. We have a tough week ahead of us and we're hanging on by our fingernails trying to get everything ironed out. Prayers and M&M's are greatly appreciated right now!! My little bright spot is that 1.) I'll be an aunt to a niece sometime very soon. Jen and I had lots of fun looking at all of the pink stuff at Target tonight. I want to buy lots of Ladybug stuff for her. Somehow it just fits her so well already. And 2.) I go on vacation next weekend!! Praise the Lord! There should be lots of pictures coming soon...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay
I know us females are suppossed to be fickle, but my goodness! Miss Thang churning somewhere south of me can't make up her mind! Originally we were suppossed to be fairly hard hit by a Cat 1 storm. Instead, we're getting a fairly miserable day consisting of part sun, part rain. This is not at all conducive to sleeping! I can't remember the last time I went to a sleep-over. But, I'm going to one tomorrow as we sleep through what will be left of Fay at the hospital. Although we will get lttle more than a good rain, the hospital when on Hurrican Alert. Meaning we can't leave until they let us. The good part...we get paid to sleep tomorrow! Hurrah!! Happy Hurricaning!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A normal Saturday
Raegan's birthday is next Saturday. So, to celebrate,we went to Royal Orchid (formally known as Thai Ruby) for lunch. It was a nice gathering of friends. We saw Selena, the newly married friend who is returning to UF in the fall to start on grad school. It was nice to get together outside of Wednesday night get-togethers. Happy Birthday Raegan!!! I went home and Jordan was there waiting for me. His brother went to a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese, so the Jordan hung out with us. I taught him "Gator Bait!!", and "Go Gators!". We also taught him "E-I-E-I-O!". Then, we made funny faces at each other and laughed alot. He's growing up so quickly and is such a fun little kid. I can't wait until he gets a little older then he really will be a trip and a half. This week is big week. Michael is starting high school. Next week, Josiah starts VPK "big boy school". I can't believe that he's starting school! Mom is starting school, too. She's teaching 6th, 7th and 8th grade corrective reading. She's a little nervous about it, but I'm sure she'll be fine. My future brother-in-law ( :-)) Michael Phelps will be swimming again tonight. GO USA! |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
>Old Navy opened tonight, unofficially. The perks of your sister working there are 20% off before the store even opens. Sweet.
>It looked like a hurricane was blowing through as Joy and I left Old Navy at 8:30 when they closed at 8:00. We were afraid to leave because of the lightning and thunder. When we did finally make it to our cars, we sat there and laughed for at least 5 minutes watching each other through foggy windows. Gosh, we are silly girls!!
>My baby nephew, Josiah, is starting "big boy school" (VPK) on Monday. He cried a little when we talked about it. Then he brought me a Richard Scarry book to read to him while he cuddled in my lap. I love that kid to pieces.
>I started working with a new trainer today. I can't feel my thighs after 30 lunges on each side. Ouch!!
>Totally looking forward to the weekend. There is absolutely nothing planned. Except for maybe a trip to the pool, if the weather holds out.
>It looked like a hurricane was blowing through as Joy and I left Old Navy at 8:30 when they closed at 8:00. We were afraid to leave because of the lightning and thunder. When we did finally make it to our cars, we sat there and laughed for at least 5 minutes watching each other through foggy windows. Gosh, we are silly girls!!
>My baby nephew, Josiah, is starting "big boy school" (VPK) on Monday. He cried a little when we talked about it. Then he brought me a Richard Scarry book to read to him while he cuddled in my lap. I love that kid to pieces.
>I started working with a new trainer today. I can't feel my thighs after 30 lunges on each side. Ouch!!
>Totally looking forward to the weekend. There is absolutely nothing planned. Except for maybe a trip to the pool, if the weather holds out.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Gosh! Didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted anything. Not a whole lot is going on...
Mikayla is doing better. While we won't know the extent of her disabilities until long after she's born, she should be okay during bith. Josiah is excited to have another sibling. He told me the other day that he is going to protect her from the spiders. He's a great big brother!
Dale is getting used to the whole dialysis thing. He's learning periotneal daialysis and we're preparing psychologically for a possible open heart surgery. So, we'll see. Many prayers are still appreciated for a long time to come.
Summer events this year included Selena's wedding in June. A few trips to the beach with Jordan. He loved it! We ran up and down the beach crowing at the birds. Then, he'd tentatively wade out into the surf and clap as the wave washed over him. He completely zonked out as soon as we got into the car!
Michael is playing football. He's decided that I'm good to practice with, since I am an unsuspecting victim. He went to the doctor and they meaured him-- he's 5'10" and just strong enough to pick me up! He's decided he's quite the man with the retro Lennon haircut. Jen got a job at Old Navy a few weeks ago. I'm excited for her. Now, my wardrobe will no longer suffer!!
We've been watching the Olympics at work this week. It's cool to be able to watch it live from Beijing. I've had this strange fascination with China since I was a kid. I've always wanted to visit and I just can't seem to get enough of it! Michael Phelps is the golden boy, becoming the most winningest American swimmer of all time. It was humbling and touching to watch him weep as he won his 3rd gold medal in these games and his 10th total.
I've got to get back to work! Hopefully I 'll do better at posting. I'll try to get some pictures up soon, too. I've promised Lindsay I'd post some recipes, so be looking out for 'em!
Mikayla is doing better. While we won't know the extent of her disabilities until long after she's born, she should be okay during bith. Josiah is excited to have another sibling. He told me the other day that he is going to protect her from the spiders. He's a great big brother!
Dale is getting used to the whole dialysis thing. He's learning periotneal daialysis and we're preparing psychologically for a possible open heart surgery. So, we'll see. Many prayers are still appreciated for a long time to come.
Summer events this year included Selena's wedding in June. A few trips to the beach with Jordan. He loved it! We ran up and down the beach crowing at the birds. Then, he'd tentatively wade out into the surf and clap as the wave washed over him. He completely zonked out as soon as we got into the car!
Michael is playing football. He's decided that I'm good to practice with, since I am an unsuspecting victim. He went to the doctor and they meaured him-- he's 5'10" and just strong enough to pick me up! He's decided he's quite the man with the retro Lennon haircut. Jen got a job at Old Navy a few weeks ago. I'm excited for her. Now, my wardrobe will no longer suffer!!
We've been watching the Olympics at work this week. It's cool to be able to watch it live from Beijing. I've had this strange fascination with China since I was a kid. I've always wanted to visit and I just can't seem to get enough of it! Michael Phelps is the golden boy, becoming the most winningest American swimmer of all time. It was humbling and touching to watch him weep as he won his 3rd gold medal in these games and his 10th total.
I've got to get back to work! Hopefully I 'll do better at posting. I'll try to get some pictures up soon, too. I've promised Lindsay I'd post some recipes, so be looking out for 'em!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
For those who don't know, my older step-sister, Andrea, is expecting her third child. A little girl named Mikayla. When Drea went for her 20 week ultrasound about a month ago, the doctor found some concerning things on the ultrasound. Her head is small and she has low amniotic fluid. So, Drea and Chris went for a level 2 ultrasound last week. Unfortuanetly, the results were not very encouraging. They should that she has a brain bleed and that the potential for a brain shift is very high. Her lab tests also showed that she is a carrier for CMV, the leading cause of hydrocephaly, mental retardations, and deafness in children. The genetic testing also shows the she is a carrier for cystic fibrosis, another potential problem for Mikayla. Today, she went for the amniocentesis. It was a cloudy yellow, when it needs to be a clear liquid. This usually indicates anything from an infection to chromosal abnormalities. We won't get the results for at least a week. Please pray for Drea, Chris, Mikayla, and the doctors for wisdom. We are hoping for a miracle, but preparing for the worst.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thank goodness this week is finally coming to an end!! It has truly been one for the books! It started out okay. Sunday was great...Doxa for church, Moes for lunch with Mom and Michael. Then off to the pool for a sun bath. Life was great! I headed to work (sans Joy and Janna--they're in Brasil this week).
Then, Monday night rolled around. I got to work around 6:30, parking in my favorite parking place, and headed on up. To say it was a rough night would be an understatement. No one stopped moving until about 2:30 in the morning. Just as I was getting everything settled in and charting caught up and everything the way it needs to be, I got a phone call. It was Security. Asking if I have a Dodge Stratus and if I parked on the first level. I answered yes to both questions and that's when things got bad. I was informed that I needed to come downstairs immediately, because it appeared that my car had been brokend into. That, my friends, was the understatement of the year. It wasn't broken into, it was smashed beyond recognition into. All 4 of the windows are damaged, the frames above the windows are bent and the hood jimmied open, the paint job completely ruined, and glass everywhere. Not to mention the finger/palm prints and 3 gigantic rocks lying around my car evidence that my car has not been broken into, but vandalized. Such a personal way of putting it.
OPD came and took pictures and fingerprints and the videos of 3 older adolescent black males who smashed rocks into my beautiful car and then walked back out onto Pine Street. With my gorgeous new summer bag. And in that bag was my debit card and check book. I panicked! The first thing I did was call and cancel everything and start praying everything would be alright.
I spent the day calling the insurance company, OPD, the bank, MRMC security, and anyone else who could possibly help me out. The insurance adjustor, Dirk, and the appraisor, Mike, were absolutely the nicest guys ever, and by 11:00 I was on my way back to the hospital to get my car towed to the body shop.
The next day, Wendesday, I got a phone call from the manager of the apartements where I live. She asked me if I had recently lost my purse. When I said yes, she told me that I needed to call a certain city of Ocala engineer, because one of his guys found my stuff. I called the guy and sure enough, everything had been found in vacant lot behind on IHop. Literally across the street from where it had been taken!! The only things missing-- my Clinique lip gloss and my copy of Million Little Pieces. Who breaks into a car, doing $2500 worth of damage to take a book and lip gloss. The problem is that all of my accounts at the bank had already been shut down.
So, that is where I am now. Driving my mom's beater Explorer that is in desperate need of shocks and no way to get paid because my check is stuck in the elctronic magical neverland. I just thank God that no one is hurt and that He is in control of this...
Then, Monday night rolled around. I got to work around 6:30, parking in my favorite parking place, and headed on up. To say it was a rough night would be an understatement. No one stopped moving until about 2:30 in the morning. Just as I was getting everything settled in and charting caught up and everything the way it needs to be, I got a phone call. It was Security. Asking if I have a Dodge Stratus and if I parked on the first level. I answered yes to both questions and that's when things got bad. I was informed that I needed to come downstairs immediately, because it appeared that my car had been brokend into. That, my friends, was the understatement of the year. It wasn't broken into, it was smashed beyond recognition into. All 4 of the windows are damaged, the frames above the windows are bent and the hood jimmied open, the paint job completely ruined, and glass everywhere. Not to mention the finger/palm prints and 3 gigantic rocks lying around my car evidence that my car has not been broken into, but vandalized. Such a personal way of putting it.
OPD came and took pictures and fingerprints and the videos of 3 older adolescent black males who smashed rocks into my beautiful car and then walked back out onto Pine Street. With my gorgeous new summer bag. And in that bag was my debit card and check book. I panicked! The first thing I did was call and cancel everything and start praying everything would be alright.
I spent the day calling the insurance company, OPD, the bank, MRMC security, and anyone else who could possibly help me out. The insurance adjustor, Dirk, and the appraisor, Mike, were absolutely the nicest guys ever, and by 11:00 I was on my way back to the hospital to get my car towed to the body shop.
The next day, Wendesday, I got a phone call from the manager of the apartements where I live. She asked me if I had recently lost my purse. When I said yes, she told me that I needed to call a certain city of Ocala engineer, because one of his guys found my stuff. I called the guy and sure enough, everything had been found in vacant lot behind on IHop. Literally across the street from where it had been taken!! The only things missing-- my Clinique lip gloss and my copy of Million Little Pieces. Who breaks into a car, doing $2500 worth of damage to take a book and lip gloss. The problem is that all of my accounts at the bank had already been shut down.
So, that is where I am now. Driving my mom's beater Explorer that is in desperate need of shocks and no way to get paid because my check is stuck in the elctronic magical neverland. I just thank God that no one is hurt and that He is in control of this...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Normally, I can keep my emotions in check while I'm here at work. For some reason, that just won't be tonight. Last night and tonight I took care of a little 88 year old lady named Ada. She is ill with Alzheimers and a sick heart. She so confused and doesn't know where she is and why she's here. So, we're helping her along. Last night she was okay-- in her terms anyway. The medication helped her sleep. Tonight, however, nothing seems to he helping her. She's convinced the guy helping us out tonight is my husband. She's convinced I'm a teenaged boy playing at being a doctor. She's convinced that I'm giving her the wrong medicine and won't take any. She's convinced that the pudding I gave her with her medicine in it is poisoned and won't take it. She's convinced I'm trying to beat up an old woman and am going to hell because of it. So, I called a doctor to ask for help. I got nothing. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I just wanted someone to help me help her! I don't normally get so upset when it doesn't work out the way I want it to, but there is just something about this little lady that has completely pulled at my heartstrings. I finally got what I needed to help her relax. It isn't working so great...the way that so many meds don't. It'll help her relax for a few hours anyways. Long enough for me to be able to get the charting done and bath my other patient. And pray. Because right now, I don't know what else to do for her.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day
I am a forgetful klutz. I forgot my camera at home and so, I didn't get any pics of dinner tonight. We met the grandparents, my aunt and uncle and 2 cousins at Olive Garden to celebrate. I had the new grilled shrimp Caprese. It was yummy! Grilled marinated shrimp over linguine with fresh grilled tomatoes. Mom helped me eat it. :-) We as always, had good conversation and caught with everyone. How is it that even though we live in the same city and only minutes from each other that we some how are always a few steps behind on what is going on in each other's lives? Present is always exciting. Jen, Mike, Kent, Drea and I got mom a gift certificate to Face the Day Spa for a massage and a planter with garden stuff in it. She seemed surprise by the certficate. It's always so hard to surprise her with anyting! Grandma got what she loves the most...a gift certificate to the movies. Tomorrow, I'm sure will be spent at the pool. And at the gym. I've got to get my hour of cardio in...
Monday, May 05, 2008
What I've been up to...
Okay. So, I totally did not realize that it had been so long since I've posted anything!! I kept meaning to do it and show everbody some pictures to go along with it. Well, I'm totally stressng because my camera is MIA after this weekend... if anyone has seen it, let me knw, will ya?
Well, the last weekend in March Joy, Raegan, Stephanie, and Lindsey and I drove up to Jacksonville to see Beth Moore. It was awesome. It was a great opportunity to get to know each other a little better. We learned about apprehending that for which we've been apprehended. It was great fun! We were gone Friday morning into Saturday afternoon. That night was Lindsey's bridal shower. Yet another show of solidarity as we pulled the whole thing off in about a week and a half. We called the guest list to invite them... the joys of quickie weddings.
The next weekend was Lindsey and Jeff's wedding. It was a gorgeaous weekend! It rained cats and dogs ealier in the afternoon, but by the time the ceremony started, it was absolutely perfect. They were married in one of Jeff's cousins horse barns. As you looked through the barn, you could see the horses running in the fields. The breeze picked up to keep everyone cool, and it smelled like flowers everywhere. We had a great time at the reception eating barbecue and mac and cheese and baked beans! We even danced a little!
The next weekend I went with some of the girls from work up to Gainesville to see "Chicago". It was awesome! I'm a huge fan of the story. I own the movie and compare every role that Catherine Zeta Jones is in to her role as Thelma. I also have the soundtrack of the original Broadway production. It's sad when you can sing along to the play... It was neat to see everyone all dressed up in someting other than scrubs! :-)
The next afternoon mom called me and said that she and Dale and Michael were heading to Tarpon Springs. So, I tagged along too. Greek food=YUMMO!!! We went out on the little boat and watched the sponge harvesting. Those guys are so strong! The suits way nearly 150lbs to keep them on the ocean floor.
This past weekend, however, is what I am most proud of. Mom and I ran in the MinnieMarathon weekend 5K race at Epcot. We have been training for about 3 weeks to do this. We were so afraid that the little old men in golf carts were going to come and pick us and take u s to the end. It was an unfounded fear since most didn't finish in under an hour. But we did!!! Mom, the outside runner, finished in 38 minutes, and I, the treadmill runner, finished in 41 minutes.!! I was so proud of us. We've never done anything like this before, so just the shear facet that we finished is enough of an accomplishment to us...
I think that brings everyone up to speed. Sorry for the shear length of this thing, but I've been such a slacker lately. Hopefully my poor little pink camera will resurface somewhere and I'll be able to post the pictures that go along with everything.
Well, the last weekend in March Joy, Raegan, Stephanie, and Lindsey and I drove up to Jacksonville to see Beth Moore. It was awesome. It was a great opportunity to get to know each other a little better. We learned about apprehending that for which we've been apprehended. It was great fun! We were gone Friday morning into Saturday afternoon. That night was Lindsey's bridal shower. Yet another show of solidarity as we pulled the whole thing off in about a week and a half. We called the guest list to invite them... the joys of quickie weddings.
The next weekend was Lindsey and Jeff's wedding. It was a gorgeaous weekend! It rained cats and dogs ealier in the afternoon, but by the time the ceremony started, it was absolutely perfect. They were married in one of Jeff's cousins horse barns. As you looked through the barn, you could see the horses running in the fields. The breeze picked up to keep everyone cool, and it smelled like flowers everywhere. We had a great time at the reception eating barbecue and mac and cheese and baked beans! We even danced a little!
The next weekend I went with some of the girls from work up to Gainesville to see "Chicago". It was awesome! I'm a huge fan of the story. I own the movie and compare every role that Catherine Zeta Jones is in to her role as Thelma. I also have the soundtrack of the original Broadway production. It's sad when you can sing along to the play... It was neat to see everyone all dressed up in someting other than scrubs! :-)
The next afternoon mom called me and said that she and Dale and Michael were heading to Tarpon Springs. So, I tagged along too. Greek food=YUMMO!!! We went out on the little boat and watched the sponge harvesting. Those guys are so strong! The suits way nearly 150lbs to keep them on the ocean floor.
This past weekend, however, is what I am most proud of. Mom and I ran in the MinnieMarathon weekend 5K race at Epcot. We have been training for about 3 weeks to do this. We were so afraid that the little old men in golf carts were going to come and pick us and take u s to the end. It was an unfounded fear since most didn't finish in under an hour. But we did!!! Mom, the outside runner, finished in 38 minutes, and I, the treadmill runner, finished in 41 minutes.!! I was so proud of us. We've never done anything like this before, so just the shear facet that we finished is enough of an accomplishment to us...
I think that brings everyone up to speed. Sorry for the shear length of this thing, but I've been such a slacker lately. Hopefully my poor little pink camera will resurface somewhere and I'll be able to post the pictures that go along with everything.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Easter weekend was great! Mom and Dale got Josiah on Saturday afternoon and he hung out with us for a while. We went and saw Horton Hears a Who, then we went to Target and just played on the toy aisles. It's been forever since we've done that. He enjoys everything so fully. "look Beffy... Nutant Turtles!" "Mikey look! I'ts Star Wars! Wanna play swords?" He brings the simple joys back into life. After church, I went back to my parents house and we died Easter Eggs. Michael and Josiah built a tent in the living room complete with a campfire (cut out of a piece of cardboard). I wish I had a picture of it, but my camera battery was dead...
Easter in our family started a new tradition...using a scavenger hunt to find your Easter basket. Again, I wish I'd had my camera to show everybody, but it was really pretty fun (in spite of the groans). Then, once the little kids came over there was a massive egg hunt to find a smalll cany store's worth of chocolate. Dinner was delicious, as always. Here are a few pics of Jordan toddling his way through Easter and enduring two aunts who love to hold him and love on him, much to his loathing. He'd rather be down and walking. But, he was the only one who'd even remotely cooperate long enough to get some good pics...
Easter in our family started a new tradition...using a scavenger hunt to find your Easter basket. Again, I wish I'd had my camera to show everybody, but it was really pretty fun (in spite of the groans). Then, once the little kids came over there was a massive egg hunt to find a smalll cany store's worth of chocolate. Dinner was delicious, as always. Here are a few pics of Jordan toddling his way through Easter and enduring two aunts who love to hold him and love on him, much to his loathing. He'd rather be down and walking. But, he was the only one who'd even remotely cooperate long enough to get some good pics...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The last 3 Weekends ( a blog in reverse)
Monday, March 03, 2008
Josiah's Birthday at Universal Studios
For his fourth birthday, my parents took Josiah to Universal Studios/Islands of adventure for the day. I tagged along for the fun of it. It's the annual Mardi Gras festival as well. We blurps of Gretchen Wilson at the end of the evening. Here are some snapshots ot the day...
He's always had an obsession with goggles...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Adventures in Babysitting
My sister called me this afternoon and asked if I could babysit for the little boys at the last second tonight. I said why not. Especially since I was already on baseball duty out in D(unnellon)-town with Michael. So, mom and I drove hime out there and dropped him off. They were taking my car tonight (I thought I heard some funny noises), so I got to drive my favorite vehicle of all time...the Durango. I feel so powerful behind the wheel. Picked up the big boy and drove home. As we were pulling into the driveway, Drea and Chris pulled in behind us. I wish I had a video camera to record it. It was soooo cute watching Josiah watch Superpets and playing with Jordan in the bathtub. That kid loves to wash his hair! When you pour water over his head he laughs this little belly laugh that will make anyone giggle. It was a good Friday night in... tomorrow is boot camp with some of the girls from work. Then off to the mechanics for new tires and a oil change. Thrilling, huh?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I am at work. It's Wednesday night and there are about 5 other places I would rather be other than where I am right now...make that about a million. Frankly, most of them involve either my bed or a tropical location with either another bed or a hammock. I'm so blessedly tired I can hardly stand it. I ache...all over. My knees, my neck, my eyes, even my ears. I get to work tomorrow night too! I'm grumpy and just want to crawl somewhere and go to sleep and not have to deal with the things I'm dealing with. Denial is my middle name tonight.
What I will be dreaming of this afternoon...
Beaches in the Caribbean
Pina Coladas
Lying in the sand with my friends
Sleeping some more
Buying a fabulous new bag
Getting an awesome new haircut/hairdo
Someone to hug me
I think that summer needs to come soon
What I will be dreaming of this afternoon...
Beaches in the Caribbean
Pina Coladas
Lying in the sand with my friends
Sleeping some more
Buying a fabulous new bag
Getting an awesome new haircut/hairdo
Someone to hug me
I think that summer needs to come soon
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Busy Month
So sorry I haven't posted lately...my computer has been on the fritz. I took it to Best Buy today to get it looked at and I'm assured that it will be all better in about week. "Better than new" is what the cute little Geek Squad guy told me.
The month started with a trip to Savannah (one of my favorite cities ever). We finally got to eat at the Lady & Sons. Although Paula wasn't there (she and the family were on vacation), I did get to meet her nephew, Bubba's son. I'll the picture as soon as I can. New Year's Eve was at Brie and Scott's house. There were about 30 of us who ate until we could't breathe and just had a blast hanging out half of the night!
I went back to work on the 13th and have been working 4 days a week ever since! Makes for some long weeks, but my paycheck sure appreciates it! Everyone at work has been so supportive of everything and the surgery.
Last week started the fabulous birthday celebrations! Mom and Dale took me to Orlando to go shopping for new clothes (none of mine fit anymore! :0). We got lunch at Bahamama Breeze where I had the best grilled Tilapia I've ever had! That evening we went to Winter Jam. Mercy Me, Skillet, Barlow Girl, Mandisa, and Newsong performed. I got my picture with Nate Sallie and the lead singer of Connor's Vine, the punter from the Indianapolis Colts. Again, the picture will go up as soon as I can...
Friday the celebration continued. We went to SKY with about 15 people and had some good food, great wine and awesome company. We felt like VIPs when we were seated in the "PDR"--private dining room. It was one of the best times we've had in a long time! Saturday night Joy and I went to Tampa to see Matchbox 20 in concert. We drove down and ate dinner at Thai Thani in Channelside. We hung out with the Gasparilla crew (like we do every year!). Alanis Morissette opened the show and we both took at trip down memory lane. Matchbox 20 played all of our favorite shows and they played for over 2 hours.
This Friday is another busy weekend...we're going back to Tampa for Michelle's birthday. Then on the 9th is Brie's baby shower and Kent and Kayla's engagement party. I'm tired just thinking about it...
Have a great night!!
The month started with a trip to Savannah (one of my favorite cities ever). We finally got to eat at the Lady & Sons. Although Paula wasn't there (she and the family were on vacation), I did get to meet her nephew, Bubba's son. I'll the picture as soon as I can. New Year's Eve was at Brie and Scott's house. There were about 30 of us who ate until we could't breathe and just had a blast hanging out half of the night!
I went back to work on the 13th and have been working 4 days a week ever since! Makes for some long weeks, but my paycheck sure appreciates it! Everyone at work has been so supportive of everything and the surgery.
Last week started the fabulous birthday celebrations! Mom and Dale took me to Orlando to go shopping for new clothes (none of mine fit anymore! :0). We got lunch at Bahamama Breeze where I had the best grilled Tilapia I've ever had! That evening we went to Winter Jam. Mercy Me, Skillet, Barlow Girl, Mandisa, and Newsong performed. I got my picture with Nate Sallie and the lead singer of Connor's Vine, the punter from the Indianapolis Colts. Again, the picture will go up as soon as I can...
Friday the celebration continued. We went to SKY with about 15 people and had some good food, great wine and awesome company. We felt like VIPs when we were seated in the "PDR"--private dining room. It was one of the best times we've had in a long time! Saturday night Joy and I went to Tampa to see Matchbox 20 in concert. We drove down and ate dinner at Thai Thani in Channelside. We hung out with the Gasparilla crew (like we do every year!). Alanis Morissette opened the show and we both took at trip down memory lane. Matchbox 20 played all of our favorite shows and they played for over 2 hours.
This Friday is another busy weekend...we're going back to Tampa for Michelle's birthday. Then on the 9th is Brie's baby shower and Kent and Kayla's engagement party. I'm tired just thinking about it...
Have a great night!!
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