Saturday, December 08, 2007

3 Days Later

3 Days later I am still figuring out how all of this works. I'm trying to figure out when I'm full and when I'm not. When I'm hungry (which I think is never) and when I'm not. Trying to get in enough fluids to stay hydrated and enough protein to heal. Trying to figure out when I'm in pain, and just have gas. Which by the way has been most unlady-like. The pain medicine makes me sleepy, but without it, the g-tube in the left side of my stomach hurts. But with it, I can't sleep at night... Just lots of figuring out to do. I never thought in a million years that cottage cheese would taste so good!! It's the only "food" I've had since Tuesday!! Unfortunately, it will be a month or so before I can actually chew... I'm really looking forward to homemade mashed potatoes on Christmas!! I'm anxious to go to the mall, just to get out of the house! I can't stay awake long enough to work, and I can't drive yet, so I've no idea what I'll be doing for the next few weeks. I go on Wendsday to get the staples out, so that will be interesting. Especially if Jennifer, my completely non-medical little sister decides to pass out on me. I already told mom she'll have to take me to get the tube out 'cause I know Jen won't be able to handle that!! Okay...I gotta go start on another bottle of water or tea. I'll try to get some pics of my little Christmas tree up soon. Happy Shopping!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are beautiful, and I love you!