Friday, July 13, 2007


My goodness!! I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted anything. So much has been happening, at yet nothing at all. Brie got married; I've been working like a crazed woman. But the best is yet to come-- a week from tomorrow we go to Daytona for a week. It's not glamorous, but it's away from home and the telephone and the stresses of life. Then about a week after that, I leave to go to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a conference for work. I'm just excited to be back on Hilton Head. The conference it's about sepsis and the newest trends and ideas in critical and emergency care. Hopefully, we'll come back with all kinds of new stuff to use at work!!

Last week, we went tubing down the river. Always an adventure, but this time was especially so...

I've had a cold that I can't get rid of that didn't really help things at all. Then, I got stuck in the reeds at the beginning of the river. I had to paddle my way through them and the gooey gross stuff at the bottom of bank to stand up and reposition myself. When I finally got going, I realized the worse thing that could have raft was losing air. I was sinking!!!!! Thankfully it was a small leak and not a large one! Then, my loving and wonderful younger brother decided that his singular goal of the trip would be to tip over. You gotta love 13 year old boys. I managed to stay on top of the tube for a little while. Right around the half-way mark, he succeded and I toppled right on over. I think he and the mostly deflated raft were in cohoots together. So, I had to swim most of the way down. Part of it back upriver because I kept getting separated from the rest of our group. By the time we got to the end, I could barely move upper arms. I fell asleep as soon as we got home. I didn't wake up until the next morning. Thankfully I didn't get too burned. All that time at the pool payed off... ;-)

The plan for today was to clean the apartment and the car and then go swimming. Well, the weather isn't cooperating with the last two... I guess I'll be sequestered to either reading here at home or going shopping with mom. darn. :-)

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