Tuesday, July 04, 2006


My friends Michelle and Peter got married this past weekend. Michelle and her mom and us girls have spent the last 5 months planning this event. They are the first of our group to get married. While I knew there were so many details to decide on, and to logisticaly plan ( who buys the cake server, how do the bridesmaids get to the church?, what to do when 3 of the groomsmen can't come to the rehearsal), I didn't neccessarily think of all of them. We all thought of them simultaneously at about 4:00 on Friday mere hours before the rehearsal.

As a little girl, I had grand elusions of the huge church wedding. My dad walking me down the aisle, my 15 closest girlfriends standing with me and apporximately 300 or so guests watching as marched down the aisle in my Vera Wang wedding dress to Cannon in D flat. We would then be whisked away to a reception that would make Martha Stewart blush.

Reality has now set in. Not only is this completely unrealistic for this chick-- nursing doesn't pay that well-- but, this isn't at all what I want. I want a wedding that is indicative of me and my personality and my future husband. I am learning more and more that it is about the marriage that comes afterward and that is symbolized in the wedding, than it is about the hour d'ourves that are served or the color of the bridesmaid dresses. It is all icing on the cake (pardon the pun).

Another friend of mine is very close to getting engaged. She called me at work tonight in tears about something that had happened in her relationship. It was so weird that she would call me to discuss relationship advice. I'm the last person that people should be coming too. But she did. I walked away from the conversation strangely happy that for this season of my life I am single. I have no real obligations to fulfill. No one to clear plans through, no one's opinion that means more than mine. I am acutely aware of the advantages of being single. It is a good thing.

So, if you get a note from me mentioning St. Thomas you'll know that I am either going on vacation, or eloping. And you'll know why

1 comment:

Heather said...

If you're on St. Thomas and eloping -- I will know exactly why! It's not a bad idea in order to avoid the CRAZINESS that is a wedding ... however, a wedding is a wedding - and it's a beautiful experience! I have enjoyed reading your past couple of posts ... very insightful and encouraging. :)