Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Roadrunner and Sweet Tea

When I moved into my nifty little one bedroom apartement at the end of December, I decided that I didn't have the money to afford the internet... I still don't but thanks to PATIENCE, and some detective work, I found out that my cable company is having a special... $14.99 a month for a year. What a steal!!! So I called and reluctantly agreed to have them come out today, Wednesday mornign between 8 and 11, knowing the fatigue that I would probably be suffering from. But what's a few hours, right? Well, I slept right through the appointment. Typical. So, I called the lovely people at Brighthouse to figure out when we would be able to reschedule. They ever so politely told me that they could add me on at the end of the day and the service guy would be there sometime between now (11:30) and 8:00 this evening. Very well, there goes another day of the gym. So,9 hours a VERY cleaned apartement, a pitcher of sweet tea, half of a Jodi Piccoult book, Oprah, Dr. Phil (the primetime version), and PATIENCE. I still do not have the internet. Did I mention PATIENCE? I have been promised that the nice little service guy will be here on Friday morning between 8:00 and 11:00 to install my Roadrunner service. Goodness, I hope I can stay awake this time...

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