Wednesday, August 31, 2005

In The Aftermath

My heart aches for the thousands, millions, of people who are homeless, and hurting in the southeast. I've watched for hours the heartbreak, the desperation, the wanting of people just to know what is happening with them. My heart aches for the way of life that will never again be the way it was. The areas I visited two years ago on vacation are desemated and forever changed. What was once an on ramp for I-10 is down a launching ramp for boats on search and rescue missions. The grand homes that represented the grand and regal past of Mississippi's past are dwindled down to nothing more than fire kindling. My very soul aches for the souls that are stuck in hospitals without electricity or running water, and not knowing where there families are. I'm lost for words and emotions for them. They will be in my prayers.

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