Monday, May 02, 2005


I finished reading this book by John Eldredge that my friend Amy told me about a few years ago. I don't know why I never read before now, but anyways. I learned alot and am still learnign stuff about myself through this book. I am finding out that I have left alot of my desires in the wayside because I, once again, feel this desire to have to be in control of something. I have a desire to go to Africa and I feel that this is something God wants me to do in my heart. Howevre, my idealistic, practical brain that worries about stuff like money and wierd diseases and time off from work keeps telling my heart to put it aside. I've been dealing with this for several years now, and I'm really no closer to the Congo or Johannesburg than I was then. What giveswithme?
C.S. Lewis wrote "We are half-hearted creatures. Fooling around with drink, and sex, and ambition. When infinite joy is offered us. Like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum, because he cannot imagine what is meant by a holiday at the sea. We ar far too easily pleased." I know that I am easily pleased with things like weekends at the Lake or on the boat, with complacency with my walk with God, with the mediocrity of my relationships with those around me. The desires that God placed within me are there for a purpose. To glory Him and to bring praise to Him. Am I doing that? Is He proud of what He sees when he looks down at me?
Anyways, just a series of thought to send out into nowhere.


Coop said...

Beth, you are deep, and I want for us to search those depths this summer, lets start to live out these lofty ideas we have...put them into practice and quit talking about them. For real. I'm in. I love ya chica.

Heather said...

Beth, Live your best life! It is so easy to get bogged down by the ways of our world -- be transformed! If God has placed a desire on your heart for the people of Africa, He will see you through. He will provide for your every need. He doesn't promise it will be easy. I returned last year from Africa and struggled for four months with malaria. He does, however, say that our lives will be forever changed. Be encouraged! If God wants you to be in Africa - He, and only He, will provide a way for you to go.